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    Volumen: 14, Numero: 6, Páginas: [17] p.



    Responsible marketing (RM) helps companies make products that improve people?s lives and is in line with public policies that provide a positive impact on society; an example of this is traffic light nutritional labelling (TLNL). Ecuador was a pioneer in Latin America in the mandatory implementation of TLNL. For this reason, this research aimed to analyze RM in the TLNL of food products from the perception of consumers in the urban area of Cuenca, Ecuador. Specifically, the research aimed to answer: What is the degree of consumer understanding of TLNL in the urban area of Cuenca, Ecuador? A cross-sectional investigation was undertaken, with 384 surveys conducted. A chi-square test (? 2 ) was performed, which showed the relationship between variables reflecting RM knowledge and the understanding and use of TLNL. An ordinal logit model (OLM) was applied, showing that the variables of education, knowledge of labeling, and knowledge of marketing were associated with a greater probability of having some level of understanding of TLNL. Finally, a binomial logit model (BLM) revealed that the variables of income level, knowledge of TLNL, illnesses, confidence in TLNL, the influence of COVID-19 on eating habits, and knowledge of marketing were associated with people being more likely to use TLNL. RM is present in the TLNL through the clear and understandable dissemination of information.Responsible marketing (RM) helps companies make products that improve people?s lives and is in line with public policies that provide a positive impact on society; an example of this is traffic light nutritional labelling (TLNL). Ecuador was a pioneer in Latin America in the mandatory implementation of TLNL. For this reason, this research aimed to analyze RM in the TLNL of food products from the perception of consumers in the urban area of Cuenca, Ecuador. Specifically, the research aimed to answer: What is the degree of consumer understanding of TLNL in the urban area of Cuenca, Ecuador? A cross-sectional investigation was undertaken, with 384 surveys conducted. A chi-square test (? 2 ) was performed, which showed the relationship between variables reflecting RM knowledge and the understanding and use of TLNL. An ordinal logit model (OLM) was applied, showing that the variables of education, knowledge of labeling, and knowledge of marketing were associated with a greater probability of having some level of understanding of TLNL. Finally, a binomial logit model (BLM) revealed that the variables of income level, knowledge of TLNL, illnesses, confidence in TLNL, the influence of COVID-19 on eating habits, and knowledge of marketing were associated with people being more likely to use TLNL. RM is present in the TLNL through the clear and understandable dissemination of information.


    responsible marketing (RM); traffic light nutritional labelling (TLNL); consumer; Ecuador


    El marketing responsable (RM) ayuda a las empresas a fabricar productos que mejoran la vida de las personasy está en línea con las políticas públicas que generan un impacto positivo en la sociedad; un ejemplo de esto essemáforo de etiquetado nutricional (TLNL). Ecuador fue pionero en América Latina en la obligatoriedadimplementación de TLNL. Por ello, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la RM en el TLNL de alimentosproductos desde la percepción de los consumidores de la zona urbana de Cuenca, Ecuador. Específicamente, elinvestigación tuvo como objetivo responder: ¿Cuál es el grado de comprensión del consumidor de TLNL en el área urbanade Cuenca, Ecuador? Se realizó una investigación transversal, con 384 encuestas realizadas. Aprueba de chi-cuadrado (?2) que mostró la relación entre las variables que reflejan la RMel conocimiento y la comprensión y el uso de TLNL. Se aplicó un modelo logit ordinal (OLM),mostrando que las variables educación, conocimiento de etiquetado y conocimiento de mercadeo fueronasociado con una mayor probabilidad de tener algún nivel de comprensión de TLNL. Finalmente, unmodelo logit binomial (BLM) reveló que las variables de nivel de ingresos, conocimiento de TLNL, enfermedades,confianza en TLNL, la influencia de COVID-19 en los hábitos alimenticios y el conocimiento de marketing fueronasociado con personas que son más propensas a usar TLNL. RM está presente en el TLNL a través del claroy difusión comprensible de la información.

    Palabras Clave

    marketing responsable (MR); semáforo de etiquetado nutricional (TLNL); consumidor; Ecuador
